

  FIELDWORK FPA150:LOGBOOK NAME:MOHAMMAD AZRUL BIN RAHMAN STUDENT ID:2023189087 GROUP:M3AT1102B LECTURER NAME:DR. NUR MAIZATUL IDAYU OTHMAN Week: 9 Date: 15 December 2023 Time: 5:30 am  - 11:30 pm Place: Farm Management Unit, UITM Melaka, Campus Jasin TITLE:- -     Weeding plot pineapple and briefing about Grading of plants, Hardening off and Transplant. INTRODUCTION:- -  Second semester students study the benefits of weeding pineapple plots and learn how to properly grade plants, harden, transplant. OBJECTIVE:- -To avoid or reduce any adverse environmental impact of control methods. -To prevent build-up of any one weed species. -To prevent weed competition. -To separate plants into classes of different degrees of usefulness in forestation.  -To thicken and alter the plant's leaf structure and increase leaf waxiness. -To slow the plant's growth, thicken the cell walls, and allow the plants to withstand outdoor conditions. TOOLS:- - Hand Gloves - Hoe  ACTIVITIES: 5:30 am - 7:30


  FIELDWORK FPA150:LOGBOOK   NAME:MOHAMMAD AZRUL BIN RAHMAN STUDENT ID:2023189087 GROUP:M3AT1102B LECTURER NAME:DR. NUR MAIZATUL IDAYU OTHMAN Week: 9 Date: 08 December 2023 Time: 5:30 am  - 11:30 pm Place: Farm Management Unit, UITM Melaka, Campus Jasin TITLE:- -    Pruning oil palm tree and Circle weeding. INTRODUCTION:- -  Students in the second semester study the benefits of circle weeding and learn how to prune oil palm trees. OBJECTIVE:- - To removing dead and dying lower fronds improves the appearance of a palm. - To assist in the process of harvesting. - To reduce risk of damage to oil palm tree. - To prevent weed competition. TOOLS:- - Pruning saw machines - Oil palm chisel - Hoe  ACTIVITIES: 5:30 am - 7:30 am -  Every morning, all semester students will congregate for prayer at Surau Al Taqwa. Proceed to the prearranged meeting location after that. For instance, before entering the farm for roll call, all semesters will congregate with PE in front of the farm workshop. The att


FIELDWORK FPA150:LOGBOOK   NAME:MOHAMMAD AZRUL BIN RAHMAN STUDENT ID:2023189087 GROUP:M3AT1102B LECTURER NAME:DR. NUR MAIZATUL IDAYU OTHMAN Week: 8 Date: 01 December 2023 Time: 5:30 am  - 11:30 pm Place: Farm Management Unit, UITM Melaka, Campus Jasin TITLE:- -   Propagation Techniques INTRODUCTION:- -  The second semester's students learned how to create methods of propagation on sapling stems, and  the proper use of rooting powder to growth the nursery  of robust and high-quality plots. OBJECTIVE:- - To make multiple "copies" of an individual plant or select group of plants with similar genetic composition. TOOLS:- - Pencil knife  - Electrical tape - Pruning Shears ACTIVITIES: 5:30 am - 7:30 am -  Every morning, at Surau Al Taqwa, all first-, second-, and third-semester students congregate for prayer. After that, we went to the agreed-upon meeting spot. For instance, all semesters will congregate with PE in front of the farm workshop prior to entering the farm for roll


  FIELDWORK FPA150:LOGBOOK   NAME:MOHAMMAD AZRUL BIN RAHMAN STUDENT ID:2023189087 GROUP:M3AT1102B LECTURER NAME:DR. NUR MAIZATUL IDAYU OTHMAN Week: 7 Date: 24 November 2023 Time: 5:30 am  - 11:30 pm Place: Farm Management Unit, UITM Melaka, Campus Jasin TITLE:- -   Weed, Pest and Disease Control in Nursery INTRODUCTION:- -  In the seventh week students were exposed to the weed, pest and disease control in plot. Students need to identify weeds, pests and diseases caused by these pests. There are some pests that have been found and diseases on some trees. OBJECTIVE:- - To know the weeds, pests and diseases. - To know  the solution for the weeds, pests and diseases. - To know the advantages and disadvantages  weeds, pests and diseases. TOOLS:- -Hoes -Gloves ACTIVITIES: 5:30 am - 7:30 am -  W e gathered at parking lot behind Blok FPA. We took the attendance and we did some exercises before we attended the Muster Call.  After that,    we gathered at Office Operation Agrotecnology. We sang t


FIELDWORK FPA150:LOGBOOK   NAME:MOHAMMAD AZRUL BIN RAHMAN STUDENT ID:2023189087 GROUP:M3AT1102B LECTURER NAME:DR. NUR MAIZATUL IDAYU OTHMAN Week: 6 Date: 10 November 2023 Time: 5:30 am  - 09:30 pm Place: Farm Management Unit, UITM Melaka, Campus Jasin TITLE:- -   Fertilizer Application and Watering INTRODUCTION:- -  Students in the second semester follow the lecturer's directions to learn how to make fertilization and watering procedures. OBJECTIVE:- -  To replace the essential nutrients for plant growth to the soil after they have been depleted. - To apply the fertilizers in the prescribed manner over the areas of the estate that are likely to result in the most efficient uptake of nutrients.  - To improve the yield of the crops. TOOLS:- - Fertilizer bucket - Scale - Hand Glove - Mini fertilizer spreader ACTIVITIES: 5:30 am - 7:30 am -  The first, second, and third semester students all congregate in Surau Al-Taqwa every morning for prayer. We next proceeded to the prearranged mee


FIELDWORK FPA150:LOGBOOK   NAME:MOHAMMAD AZRUL BIN RAHMAN STUDENT ID:2023189087 GROUP:M3AT1102B LECTURER NAME:DR. NUR MAIZATUL IDAYU OTHMAN Week: 5 Date: 03 November 2023 Time: 5:30 am  - 11:00 pm Place: Farm Management Unit, UITM Melaka, Campus Jasin TITLE:- -  Seed Treatment, Seed Handling, Circle Weeding and Clean grass in netting. INTRODUCTION:- -  Students are taught how to handle seeds in the second semester, including how to clean weeds in the net to encourage healthy plot growth and how to weed circles in herb plots. OBJECTIVE:- - to reduce/eliminate inoculum levels. - to lessen the growth of fungi that cause diseases through seeds. · To eradicate weeds. – To make the harvesting procedure easier. - To avoid weed competition. TOOLS:- - Hoe  - Polybags - Mini tools ACTIVITIES: 5:30 am - 7:15 am -  As is customary, all first-, second-, and third-semester students congregated in Surau Al Taqwa to worship in the morning. We then proceed to the meeting place that has been decided upo